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LAYOUT, o e-book que ensina a paginar
Alfabetos, o e-book que descreve toda a Tipografia e Caligrafia
Tipos e fontes, o e-book que ensina Typeface Design
Design em Portugal documenta os primeiros cem anos: de 1870 a 1970.
Revistas para Clientes, o e-book sobre o Corporate Publishing

Megalitismo, o e-book sobre a Pé-Historia
Romanos na Península Ibérica, o e-book sobre a Cultura Romana

José Mendoza y Almeida (*1926)

A contribuição francesa para os últimos 100 anos da Tipografia tem sido magra. Sem dúvida que há contribuições importantes, nomeadamente de Georges Peignot, A.M. Cassandre, Marcel Jacno, François Ganeau, Roger Excoffon, Ladislas Mandel, Thierry Puyfoulhoux, Franck Jalleau, Jean François Porchez, Maximilien Vox, Jean-Baptiste Levée, Mathieu Réguer e Jonathan Perez.

José Mendonza y Almeida, um dos menos conhecidos e menos citados, poderá ser um dos mais importantes...

José Mendoza y Almeida, mostrando o seu trabalho a Sébastien Morlighem, em 2008. Foto: Isabella Checcaglini.

ITC Mendoza. Based on characters of Aldus Manutius. He recreates the vigour of the first humanes and garaldes well. José de Mendoza y Almeida, 1992, itc.

From 1985 to 1990 he taught type design at the Imprimerie Nationale, Paris, where his students included Thierry Puyfoulhoux, Frank Jalleau, and Poul Sogren.

O typeface designer francês mais idoso, ainda está em actividade. Nasceu em Sèvres (França) em 1926.

José Mendoza y Almeida est le dessinateur de caractères français le plus ancien toujours en activité. Il possède la particularité d’avoir publié ses principales créations dans les plus grandes fonderies internationales.

Sa longue carrière, ponctuée par de nombreux travaux de graphisme et de calligraphie? pour l’édition, la publicité et la communication, l’a amené à travailler avec d’importantes figures telles que Maximilien Vox et Roger Excoffon. Il enseigna également à l’Atelier national de création typographique au sein de l’Imprimerie nationale. Cet ouvrage, le premier qui soit dédié à son œuvre, est composé d’une introduction de Jan Middendorp et de plusieurs essais écrits par Martin Majoor et Sébastien Morlighem, consacrés au Pascal, au Photina, à l’ITC Mendoza Roman et à d’autres créations moins connues. De nombreux documents inédits sont reproduits pour la première fois.

José Mendoza y Almeida was perhaps the most internationally active 20th century French type designer. While he also produced work for local distributors, his most significant faces were published by companies abroad, including the Amsterdam Typefoundry, Monotype, and ITC. Born in 1926, Mendoza’s career has been primarily devoted to activities in the fields of graphic design, illustration, and calligraphy. During his professional career, he has never worked as a full-time type designer, although he was a typographic educator from 1985–1990. His Pascal, Photina, and ITC Mendoza Roman typefaces are currently on the market, and each has played its own significant role in the history of 20th century type.

He began working with Roger Excoffon at the Fonderie Olive in 1954, and is still active today. Many consider him to be the “godfather” of French type design. The first book dedicated to his work was published last March as part of the Bibliothèque typographique series. It features an introduction by Jan Middendorp and essays by Martin Majoor and Sébastien Morlighem. The book also contains many previously unpublished documents


José Mendoza y Almeida'. Monography (2010). Linocuts by Mendoza.


Desenho para a fonte Photina

Desenhos para a fonte Fidelio



Martin Majoor & Sébastien Morlighem. José Mendoza y Almeida. Introdução de Jan Middendorp. Édition bilingue français-anglais. 176 pages , 170 × 245 mm, ISBN 978-2-35654-008-9 — 34 €. www.ypsilonediteur.com/

Savoie, Alice. French type foundries in the twentieth century.

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